Fitness and Lifestyle (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
Announcement about the Personal Data Protection Act of Fitness and Lifestyle (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Dear all customers of Fitness and Lifestyle (Thailand) Co., Ltd.,
The company is the operator of Jetts Fitness and Hypoxi in Thailand. The company would like to inform you of our changes to comply with Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562. Please find the information here. Privacy Notice (ENG) Privacy Notice (ไทย)
Fitness and Lifestyle (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has updated the service conditions and agreement by adding the rights and responsibilities of the company and the users in regard to collecting, using, and disclosing personal data that can directly and indirectly identify the data subject, in order to comply with the law. This also includes all the data that the company collected and used before the Personal Data Protection Act came into effect, such as opinions from surveys, personal data collected as per service conditions or contracts, or any other data within the company’s scope of service. The company will continue to collect and use these data as per the service period set by the company.
The company has prioritized the personal data protection. Data subjects or service users can submit a request to the company should they want to object to the data collection, stop receiving communication from the company, or ask the company to stop using or disclosing their personal data if it was used beyond the agreed scope and objective, used without consent, or did not comply with the personal data protection policy set by the company or prescribed by the law. You could contact our Data Protection Officer at this request form.
Fitness and Lifestyle (Thailand) Co., Ltd. would like to thank you for trusting our service.
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